Affinity consulting

Reducing your Risk

“The risk of not having the right collateral in the right place at the right time is increasing due to new regulations and market behavior. ACG’s global Collateral Highway is designed to ease access to liquidity while managing risks. ACG’s triparty collateral management services offer the following benefits and features:

  • Staying in control: Clients can define acceptable collateral, customize criteria, set concentration thresholds and manage haircuts based on various factors
  • Third-party pledge account: This solution ring-fences assets in a dedicated collateral account opened in the name of ACG, acting as a neutral third-party pledge holder for bilateral pledges
  • Benefits for collateral givers: Access to liquidity, better control of assets, cost efficiency, and risk management
  • Benefits for collateral takers: Improved risk management, cost efficiency, optimized use of balance sheet, and enhanced control over collateral management”